Happiness 2.0

First of all, I have absolutely no idea how to blog (I ignored all of the web pages titled “19 things you absolutely must know before starting a blog”). I have never written before and will undoubtedly demonstrate my concerning lack of vocabulary! (I’m sure exclamation marks are a huge no no for blogging and, come to think of it, so are brackets) However, I would like to tell the story of my challenging mental health issues and how I plan to regain control in the most captivating, honest and light hearted way possible to make good reading for all of you out there. 

So, here is a little background information…

My name is Lauren. I love photography, keeping fit and anything green! However, for six years now I have battled depression and bouts of anxiety. This means feeling too sad to leave the house, too tired to perform the simplest tasks and too distant to appreciate even my closest family and friends. 

Many people struggle with this day to day and, quite frankly, I’ve had enough! No one deserves to feel like nothing, so for those of you who currently do, I want you to join me on this journey to a healthier mind and, therefore, the most enjoyable life that you could possibly live. Whether that consists of building the strength to get out of bed before midday or gaining the courage to scale a 50ft rock wall for charity, we all have one common goal- Happiness!

Don’t forget, we are helping eachother. I am struggling right here beside you, but I am going to work hard, travel and much more to win this war and reclaim my life and I know you can too.

Good luck!

8 thoughts on “Happiness 2.0

  1. Lauren, first I’d like to say welcome to the blogging community here, it’s always interesting to hear someone else’s life experiences and the struggle through life is one we all fight together

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the comment! Already makes me feel amazing! Very true words, I want to share positive options that work to help people and also the more negative aspects so that everyone knows they are not alone. Take care of yourself, I hope you benefit from more posts to come.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m glad! I’ve found blogging is the most fun when everyone can engage with each other – spreading the positive message

        Liked by 2 people

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